Account deletionDear users, please read the following service agreement before use. Using this application means that you agree to accept this agreement. This agreement has legal effect. Read carefully.

This agreement is an agreement between the user (hereinafter referred to as “you”) and Shake to Music Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “we”) regarding the products and services we provide. This agreement includes the User Agreement, User Agreement Personal Information Protection Policy and its revised version, once the above content is officially released, it will be an integral part of this agreement (hereinafter referred to as “this agreement”).

In order to protect your rights and interests, please read the terms of this agreement carefully before registering to use the various products and services provided by the company. Agreed on the terms of dispute resolution and jurisdiction. Please read the foregoing terms again before confirming your agreement to this agreement or before using our products and services.

By clicking “Agree” or registering, starting to use and/or continuing to use the products and services we provide, you are deemed to agree to and are willing to abide by all the following regulations; also remind you that based on the changing conditions of our own, users and market We reserve the right to modify, add, or delete the terms of this agreement at any time. When modifying, adding, or deleting the terms of this agreement, we will notify you through a pop-up window in the APP or other appropriate means. If you do not agree with the content we have modified, added or deleted, you can stop using the products and services we provide. If you continue to use the products and services provided by us, it is deemed that you agree and accept all the contents after the modification, addition and deletion of this agreement, and shall not require any compensation or compensation for this.


1. About the service content

1.1. The specific content of our products and services is provided by us according to the actual situation, such as software (APP), forum (BBS), email, posting personal comments, etc. We reserve the right to change, interrupt or terminate some or all of our network services at any time.

1.2. When we provide products and services, we may charge certain fees for some products or services. In this case, we will make a clear notice on the relevant page. If you do not agree to pay such fees, you cannot accept the related products or services.

1.3. Please understand: We only provide products and services, in addition to equipment related to products and services (such as computers, modems and other devices related to access to the Internet) and the required fees (such as for access to the Internet) The telephone charges and internet access charges paid) shall be borne by you.

1.4. You should use genuine software to receive network services. You can obtain this software directly from our website or from a third party authorized by us. If you obtain our products and services from an unauthorized third party, it will be deemed that you have not been authorized, and we cannot guarantee that you can use the products or services normally, and you will be solely responsible for any losses you may suffer.

1.5. You have the right to supervise whether we and our staff provide you with products and services in accordance with the standards published by us during the use of the products and services we provide, and you can also ask us to contact us at any time through the contact information published in this agreement. comments and suggestions about products and services.

2. About account and password

2.1. Registration

  • 2.1.1 When registering an account, in order to meet the real-name system requirements of the State Press and Publication Administration, you should provide us with detailed and accurate valid identity information for real-name registration. You fully understand and agree that we have the right to review whether the identity information you provided during registration is true and valid and whether the registered account name meets the requirements. We will not be held responsible for any misleading or registration with an account name that does not meet the requirements, resulting in our inability to provide or further provide products and services to you.
  • 2.1.2 When you register successfully, please understand that the account name cannot be changed after registration, and the password can be changed through the services we provide.

2.2. Prohibited behavior during account registration

  • (1) Do not register with the real name, font size, stage name, or pseudonym of party and state leaders or other social celebrities;
  • (2) Impersonate any person or institution, or falsely or misrepresent a name related to any person or institution;
  • (3) Do not register a name that is similar to or similar to that of other netizens;
  • (4) Do not register uncivilized, unhealthy names, or names that contain discriminatory, insulting, obscene words;
  • (5) Do not register names that are likely to cause ambiguity and misunderstandings;

2.3 Users are not allowed to publish the following illegal information and photos on this application:

  • (1) Those who oppose the basic principles established by the Constitution;
  • (2) Endangering national security, divulging state secrets, subverting state power, and undermining national unity;
  • (3) Damage to national honor and interests;
  • (4) Inciting ethnic hatred, ethnic discrimination, or undermining ethnic unity;
  • (5) Undermining the state’s religious policy and promoting cults and feudal superstitions;
  • (6) Spreading rumors, disturbing social order, and undermining social stability;
  • (7) Spreading obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror or instigating crimes;
  • (8) Insulting or slandering others, infringing upon the legitimate rights and interests of others;
  • (9) Contains other content prohibited by laws and administrative regulations;
  • (10) Prohibit harassing, defaming, threatening, imitating other users of the website;
  • (11) It is strictly forbidden to incite illegal assemblies, associations, parades, demonstrations, and gatherings to disrupt social order;
  • (12) It is strictly forbidden to publish files or information that may impair the rights and interests of third parties, such as (including but not limited to): virus codes, hack programs, software cracking registration information.
  • (13) It is forbidden to upload other people’s works. This includes the work of others that you download, screenshot or collect from the Internet;
  • (14) It is prohibited to upload web images such as advertisements, banners, and logos;

2.4. Use

  • (1) You may not provide your account to others for use in any way, including but not limited to giving, borrowing, renting, transferring, buying and selling, etc. to others for use. The person who uses the account is deemed to be you, and the other Any actions taken will also be considered your actions, for which you are solely responsible. You shall be solely responsible for the loss, leakage, illegal use of your personal information, account number or password, illegal use by others and any consequences arising therefrom due to your negligence in custody or any other reasons not caused by us.
  • (2) If you find that your account or password has been illegally used or used abnormally by others, you should notify us in time according to the contact information we have published in this agreement; if you ask us to take measures to suspend the login and use of the account , you should provide valid personal information consistent with the registered identity information. After we receive your valid request and verify your identity, we will take corresponding measures (including but not limited to suspending the login and use of the account according to your requirements or in combination with the specific circumstances) etc.), we are not responsible for the instructions executed by your account before taking action. You and other users shall be solely responsible for the losses caused to you and other users caused by us taking corresponding measures according to your request. If you do not provide valid identity information or the personal valid identity information you provide is inconsistent with the registered identity information, we have the right to refuse your request, and you shall be responsible for any loss caused thereby.


2.5. Account deletion

We provide a complete account deletion function. In order to avoid the possibility of account theft, we need to verify the ownership of your account, and you need to provide some proof materials, such as personal information, account status, historical records, etc.

Please know that account deletion is an irreversible process. After you cancel your account, we will delete relevant information about you or perform anonymization, unless otherwise provided by laws and regulations.

2.6. Protection of personal information

2.6.1. You agree and authorize us to process your personal information in accordance with the “Users’ Personal Information Protection Policy” for the purpose of fulfilling this agreement. The above processing behaviors include but are not limited to collection, storage, use, processing, transmission, provision, disclosure, deletion, etc. ; Information includes your real-name registration information, data under your account, and other information that you provide to us during the use of our services or that we need to collect based on security and other considerations.
2.6.2. In order to provide you with products and services, we need to share some of your personal information with some third-party partners and require them to strictly abide by our measures and requirements on data privacy protection. For details of the third-party partners, please visit View our User Personal Information Protection Policy.

2.6.3. You know and agree that we or a third party that cooperates with us may provide you with various information such as activity information, promotion information and other information about network services through text messages, phone calls, emails and other means according to your user information. If you do not wish to receive such commercial information, you can choose to unsubscribe according to the corresponding settings sent with it or by contacting the sender and exercising your relevant rights.

2.6.4. We guarantee that we will not disclose or provide third parties with user registration information and non-public content stored by users when using network services, except in the following cases:

  • (1) After obtaining your explicit consent;
  • (2) It is necessary to perform legal duties or legal obligations;
  • (3) It is necessary to respond to public health emergencies, or to protect the life, health and property safety of natural persons in emergencies;
  • (4) Conduct news reports, public opinion supervision and other acts for the public interest, and process personal information within a reasonable range;
  • (5) In accordance with the law, within a reasonable scope, process the personal information disclosed by individuals themselves or other legally disclosed personal information;
  • (6) Other circumstances stipulated by laws and administrative regulations.

2.6.5. You know and agree that each business function often needs to enable some permissions and collect necessary personal information before it can be realized. If you have agreed or authorized us to process your personal information, after you withdraw the consent or authorization, you will not be notified. Affect our previous processing of personal information based on your consent or authorization.

2.6.6. You should fully respect the information of anyone, including but not limited to other users, that you know, receive or come into contact with through the network services we provide, and you should not collect, copy, store, disseminate or use any other otherwise, you will be responsible for the consequences arising therefrom.

2.6.7. Protecting the privacy of users is one of our basic policies. Except as otherwise provided in this agreement, the protection of your personal information during our service will follow the provisions of the “Users’ Personal Information Protection Policy”.


3. Account management

3.1 User behavior management

3.1.1 You are not allowed to make, reproduce, publish or disseminate the following information on our web pages or by using the products and services we provide:
① Oppose the basic principles established by the Constitution;
② Endangering national security, divulging state secrets, subverting state power, and undermining national unity;
③ Damage to national honor and interests;
④ Distorting, vilifying, blaspheming, denying the deeds and spirits of heroes and martyrs, insulting, slandering or otherwise infringing upon the names, portraits, reputation and honor of heroes and martyrs;
⑤ Advocating terrorism, extremism or inciting terrorist activities or extremist activities;
⑥ Inciting ethnic hatred, ethnic discrimination, or undermining ethnic unity;
⑦ Those who undermine the state’s religious policy and promote cults and feudal superstitions;
⑧ Spreading rumors and disrupting economic and social order;
⑨ Spreading obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror or instigating crimes;
⑩ Insulting or slandering others, infringing on their reputation, privacy and other legitimate rights and interests;
⑪ Publishing may cause minors to imitate unsafe behaviors and behaviors that violate social morality, induce minors to have bad habits, etc.;
⑫ Publish any commercial advertisements and marketing content, including but not limited to publishing or disseminating third-party websites that are not approved by us;
⑬ Other content prohibited by laws and administrative regulations.

3.1.2 The following information shall not be used in your registered account name and avatar and other personal information:
① Counterfeiting, counterfeiting, or fabricating the names and logos of organizations such as party, government and military organs, enterprises and institutions, and people’s organizations;
② Counterfeiting, counterfeiting, or fabricating the names and logos of news media, or using news, reports, newspapers and other names and information with news attributes without authorization;
③ Counterfeit, counterfeit, or related to the geographical name and logo of the country’s administrative region, the location of the institution, the landmark building and other important spaces;
④Deliberately include QR codes, website addresses, email addresses, contact information, etc., or use homophones, homophones, similar characters, pinyin, numbers, symbols, etc.

4. Tariff Policy

(1) We will have the right to decide the tariff standards and charging methods for the products and services we provide. We may formulate different tariff standards and charging methods for different products and services. Different tariffs and charging methods are determined at different stages. For our fee-based products and services, you should purchase our products and services in accordance with the tariff policy determined by us. If you do not pay such fees, you will not be able to obtain the corresponding product or service.

(2) In addition, we may also revise our tariff policy from time to time. We will place the charging information about the products and services and the charging standards, charging methods, purchasing methods or other information about the charging policies related to the products and services in a prominent position on the relevant web pages of the products and services. If the tariff or charging method changes, and you continue to use our products or services, it is deemed that you accept the adjusted tariff and charging method.

5. Service Change, Interruption or Termination

5.1. If we reasonably believe that any of the following circumstances occurs, we have the right to interrupt or terminate the products and services we provide at any time without prior notice to you without any responsibility:
(1) You violate the laws and regulations or any of the rules of use stipulated in this agreement.
(2) You have acts that damage the rights and interests of us and related rights holders, affiliated companies, partners, or the legitimate rights and interests of other users.

5.2. In the event of one of the following circumstances, we have the right to change, interrupt or stop the products and services we provide without prior notice, unless otherwise expressly agreed. We are not responsible for:
(1) Regular or irregular maintenance, software and hardware updates, and adjustments to change all or part of the functions of the product or service in order to increase and enrich the content of the product or service.
(2) In case of system failures, bugs, program errors, etc., we need to restore the game data to a certain date to maintain the balance in the game.
(3) If the company decides to terminate the service to all users due to the needs of the company’s operation, we will announce in advance and properly handle the relevant matters before terminating the service. In this case, we will not be liable for any form of compensation or compensation except for the game virtual items that you have purchased but not used, including but not limited to the compensation required for the account, game virtual items, etc. that you can no longer continue to use.

5.3. We have the right to interrupt, stop or change the services we provide when one of the following circumstances occurs not due to the reasons of both parties, and we do not assume any responsibility for the trouble, inconvenience or loss arising therefrom:
(1) The server has been damaged in any form and cannot function normally.
(2) In the event of sudden failure of software and hardware equipment and electronic communication equipment, including but not limited to the failure, malfunction or negligence of human operation of software and hardware equipment of our, our partners or telecommunications network system, all or part of the interruption, Temporarily unavailable, delayed.
(3) Due to others intrusion into our network or game system, tampering, deleting or forging or altering website and game materials or data.
(4) Due to the requirements of relevant government departments based on laws or legal procedures.
(5) Natural disasters and other force majeure factors.

5.4. Except for the situations mentioned in the preceding paragraph, we also reserve the right to interrupt or terminate some or all network services at any time without prior notice to users. or any third party for any liability.

5.5. You fully understand that any virtual items or services marked as “permanent”, “long-term” and other descriptive words of the same meaning in the products and services we provide shall not be construed as being used for a period of time that will never stop , it should be understood that its period of use ends on the date we announce the termination of the network service or the date of data loss due to technical failure.

6. Limitation of Liability

6.1. With respect to our products and services, we only make the following limited warranty, which supersedes any other express or implied warranties (if any) in any documentation, packaging or other materials.

6.2. We only provide the relevant products, software or programs and any support services “as is and with all errors” and warrant only that:
①The products and services we provide can basically meet the requirements officially announced by us;
② The relevant products and services we provide are basically in line with our officially announced service commitments;
③We only try our best to solve any problems we encounter in the process of providing products and services within the reasonable scope of commercial permission.

6.3. You expressly agree to use our products and services at your own risk. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, we will not be liable for any incidental, special, or consequential damages or claims (including However, it is not limited to damage to you or the computer system you use or loss of any data due to your execution of the service programs provided by us or downloading games or materials from the official website by yourself, or the failure to perform duties including good faith or reasonable care. liability, negligence and damages for any other pecuniary or other loss).

7. Intellectual Property Rights

7.1. We are the intellectual property rights holders of the products and services we offer. All copyrights, trademarks, patents, trade secrets and other intellectual property rights and other legitimate rights and interests of our products and services, as well as all information content related to us (including text, pictures, audio, video, graphics, interface design, layout framework) , relevant data or electronic documents, etc.) are protected by the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China and corresponding international treaties, and we enjoy the above intellectual property rights and legitimate rights and interests, except for the rights that the relevant rights holders should enjoy in accordance with the law. Without our prior written consent, you may not use our products commercially or transmit game content through information networks in any way.

7.2. If the intellectual property rights of third parties are involved in the products and services we provide, and such third parties have requirements for your use of such intellectual property rights in our services based on this agreement, we will inform you of such intellectual property rights in an appropriate manner. requirements, you should comply with them.

7.3. When the account under your own name infringes the intellectual property rights and other rights of a third party in the process of using our products and services, resulting in a claim by the infringer, you shall be solely responsible.

7.4. You agree that we have free, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive rights and licenses worldwide, including but not It is limited to reproduction rights, distribution rights, rental rights, exhibition rights, performance rights, projection rights, broadcasting rights, information network communication rights, filming rights, adaptation rights, translation rights, and compilation rights.

7.5. Unless permitted by law and with our written permission, you shall not engage in the following tortious acts, otherwise we will pursue your civil liability and even criminal liability according to law:
(1) Delete the copyright information on the software and its copies provided by us.
(2) Reverse engineer, disassemble, decompile or otherwise attempt to discover the source code of the software provided by us.
(3) Modifying or falsifying the instructions and data in the running of the software, adding, deleting, changing the functions or operating effects of the software, or operating or disseminating the software and methods used for the above-mentioned purposes to the public, regardless of whether the above-mentioned acts are commercial or not Purpose.
(4) Copy, modify, add and delete the software provided by us or the data released into the memory of any terminal during the running of the software, the interactive data between the client and the server during the running of the software, and the system data necessary for the running of the software , hook operation or create any derivative works, including but not limited to the use of plug-ins, plug-ins or non-legally authorized third-party tools/services to access the software and related systems.
(5) Use the services provided by us through third-party software, plug-ins, plug-ins, and systems not developed and authorized by us, or produce, publish, and disseminate third-party software, plug-ins, plug-ins, and systems not developed and authorized by us.
(6) Use, rent, lend, copy, modify, link, reprint, compile, publish, publish, etc. the content of which we have intellectual property rights.
(7) Establish a mirror site about the network services we provide, or take snapshots of web pages (network), or use methods such as setting up servers to provide others with services identical or similar to those provided by us.
(8) Use, modify or cover up our name, trademark or other intellectual property rights.
(9) Other behaviors not expressly authorized by us.

8. About advertisements and links

8.1. There may be commercial advertisements or other promotional advertisements in our products or services. These contents are done by advertisers or commodity service providers. We only provide the medium for publishing the contents, which does not mean that we endorse or recommend the contents.

8.2. Our products or services may contain links to third-party sites. Third-party sites are not under our control, and we are not responsible for the content of any third-party site, any link contained in a third-party site, or any changes or updates to a third-party site. We provide you with these links to third-party sites for convenience only, and the fact that we provide these links does not imply our endorsement of the third-party site.

8.3. For the services or goods you purchase through our commercial advertisements or other promotional advertisements or the websites we link to, the transaction only exists between you and the provider of the service or goods, and we do not make any claims between you and the goods or services. The transaction between the providers of the service or goods bears any legal responsibility. Please choose carefully to accept and purchase services or goods provided by third parties.

9. Others

9.1. All notices under this agreement can be delivered by means of announcements on important pages, emails or regular letters; the notices are deemed to have been delivered to the recipient on the date of sending.

9.2. If part or all of any clause in this agreement is invalid, the remaining clauses of this agreement shall remain valid and binding.

9.3. The numbers and titles of all clauses in this agreement are for reading convenience only, have no actual meaning in themselves, and cannot be used as the basis for the interpretation of the meaning of this agreement.

9.4. If you have any questions about this agreement or the products and services we provide, you can contact us by email, email:

10. End of Service

The user may suspend the website service at any time according to the actual situation. If the user objects to any suggestions on the terms of service or has any objection to the subsequent modification of the terms, or is dissatisfied with the user services of Shake it Music, the user can only terminate the service with Shake it Music in the following ways, and Shake it Music does not assume any additional responsibility:

10.1 No longer use Shake it Music user service;

10.2 End the user’s qualification to use the Shake it Music service;

10.3 After the end of the user service, the user’s right to use the Shake it Music service is immediately suspended. Since then, Shake it Music no longer has any obligations to users.